Tujana Gombojewa
Generaldirektorin, “BurjatIntour”, Die Republik Burjatien
Stellen Sie eine Frage!


Peter Becker
Können Sie uns bitte Ihre Angebote "Rundreisen Burjatien / Baikal" mailen? Am besten in Englisch, Russisch können wir übersetzen. Gibt es spezielle Programme für - Schamanismus / Treffen mit Schamanen? - Kulinarik / Essen und Trinken in Burjatien? - Reiten / Rund-Ritte, Mehr-Tages-Ritte? Vielen Dank!
Tujana Gombojewa
Sehr geehrte Herr Becker, wir haben einige Touren durch Burjatien-Baikal. One programme is for 8 days with visiting main sightseeings in Ulan-Ude, visits to the buryat village and that of the Russian old-believers and visit to the Zabaikalsky National park. The other - for 6 days/5 nights: Ulan-Ude-Tarbagatai( old-beleivers)-Arbizhil ( Buryats)-Baikal ( 1 night). One of the prgrm is with the visit to Baikalsky biosphere reserve. The offer depends on the days you would like stay in Buryatia, the sights you would prefer to visit. We can tail you a programme due to your request. It is possible to arrange a visit to a shamanist site in the vicinity of Ulan-Ude, the centre of Buryat shamans: they can tell you about shamanism, perform a simple ritual ( without going to a trance). Gastronomy - it is possible to have lunch or dinner of authentic cuisine of the Buryats or Russian old-beleivers in their villages; also in Ulan-Ude we have nice cafes and restaurants where it is possible to serve traditional or Russian, European meal, etc. Horse-riding is possible in Tunka region ( at least for a week) - Tunkinsky National park. We will be glad to have your ideas for to propose you , your clients tours on your request. My email address : tgomboeva@yahoo.com. Best regards, Tuyana

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